Through higher levels of consciousness we're activating your playful inner child, reigniting your creative spark, deepening your intuition and connecting you to the magic of limitless possibility that lives within you.

Remember that time…

You led with a

sparkle in your eye, your

chest was full of excitement for the

future, and you couldn’t

wait to witness the magic

of life unfold?

That was your spirit moving THROUGH you.

That was the REAL you.

The version of you that embodied your brilliance...

And it was from this space of magic that you had the potential of the world at your fingertips.

But the burden of "life" took its place. The limitations of others cemented in your bones and weighed down your spirit.


You fell into the familiar dance between idealism and cynicism.

And maybe the nagging thought in the back of your head keeps saying dreaming is a “waste of time”.

I'm ready to UNLOCK my magic

When the real wasted time in life…

Is living from limitation…

Aiming for predictability...

Following the status quo...

Short changing, and short circuiting, your power.

How do I know?

For 20 years of my adult life... this is how I operated.

Tense, with the need for control, lost in a sea of disharmony and fear...

And my lack of trust in Source shut down my ability to believe in higher possibilities.

And so I didn't.

...I felt like a prisoner of my own limitation.

But there's another way...

One where surrendering

and trusting

the DIVINE magic within

you is where your genius,

and manifesting powers are activated.

It wasn't until I understood how to release the fear, the control, and the attachment to my old limited identity that I was able to activate my co-creation magic with the Universe...

And manifested an illogical - extraordinary - life that went beyond my wildest dreams.

You'll activate your manifesting magic by...

• Unlocking your creative genius to co-create in flow with the Universe.

• Reconnecting with the playfulness in your spirit to invite the unexpected.

• Activating your third-eye for deeper internal wisdom and guidance with your higher self

• Releasing the heavy resentment that dulls your magic and closes off possibility

• Learning how to surrender into the Universe so you can manifest higher and unexpected possibilities into your field.

I'm ready to ACTIVATE my inner magic


Unlock the Magic Within

Connecting you with the deep remembering of the magic of source that flows through you

Activate Your Magical Heart 

Release the resentment, distrust, and fears that we accumulate over time and stop our ability to experience the magic of this reality

The Playful Inner Child

Release the fears, low self-worth, and shame we have around expressing from the playfulness of our inner child

Release the Fear of Your Gifts

Release the fears of showing up in your gifts that include the fear of persecution and fear of not being good enough to show up in the world in them

Activate Your Third Eye

Release the fear and low self-worth around your inner knowing so you can “see” the truth of reality at deeper levels

Creative Spark Activation

Activate the energy centers of your body so you can express your creativity from a place of flow and authenticity

Superpower Your Intuition

Activate the receptors in your energy field to see the truth behind this 3D reality

even clearer

Grounding the Magic

Ground the magic in your body by releasing the fear of your power, so you can experience the magic within your bones

The Magic of Surrender

Trusting in the magic of the universe so you can allow unexpected gifts to flow into you


A frequency activation is a powerful DNA activation that raises

you to higher levels of consciousness, allowing you to

step into your power quickly, so you can align with

higher possibilities.

In just 20-25 minutes a

day you can experience deep,

lasting shifts that transform your state of being.

I'm ready to RAISE my consciousness


I’m a quantum energy healer, mentor and coach who takes you to higher states of consciousness, and exposes you to greater possibilities in your field so you can collapse time in your awakening and self-actualization.

I discovered my unique abilities when I started noticing energetic patterns in my clients that went beyond logic or reason.

As I followed my intuition and worked to release these patterns, my clients' lives changed in unexpected and non-linear ways.





Purchase Life-Time Access

Life-Time Access to
Unlocking the Magic Within
(no membership required)

9 Frequency Activations

Unlocking the Magic Within

Activate Your Magical Heart 

The Playful Inner Child
Release the Fear of Your Gifts
Activate Your Third Eye
Creative Spark Activation
Superpower Your Intuition

Grounding the Magic

The Magic of Surrender

LIVE Broadcasts

4 LIVE calls with Paget in the Quantum Circle App
(no membership required)

Call 1 Oct 9th 9am PDT/6pm Paris

Call 2 Oct 12th 9am PDT/6pm Paris

Call 3 Oct 15th 9am PDT/6pm Paris

Call 4 Oct 18th 9am PDT/ 6pm Paris

Unlocking the Magic Within

(in the Quantum Circle App)

A dedicated chatroom to connect with like-minded peers, seek support, share wins on this journey.

Access to upgrade to the Quantum Circle:
Email Team Paget within 14 days of the last live call and we will apply your Unlocking the Magic Within investment to the Quantum Circle DIAMOND Membership

*Date and Time are subject to change, if a call is canceled all participants will be notified immediately, and receive an updated date and call time

**Group will remain active 90 Days after the first Live Call

$888 Lifetime Access

$333 Lifetime Access



Join the Quantum Circle's Diamond Level Membership

You'll receive a $555 credit** Credit can be applied to one program outside of the Quantum Circle

LOCK-IN the founding member price for 2 years!***

1 LIVE GROUP CLEARING + energy update with Paget every month
($2400 value)

($1,333 value)

MAGICAL COMMUNITY with consciousness pioneers committed to living their most authentic purposeful lives (PRICELESS)

2 Frequency Clearing Series* Exclusive for Diamond Members
($2,000 value)

October: Unlocking the Magic Within QC Program
($888 value)

December: 10 Days of Connection, Clarity and Peace
($1111 value exclusive to QC)

January: 7 Days of "Clearing Out the Garbage" LIVE with Paget
($1400 value exclusive to QC)

February: 14 Days of Aligned Authentic Action
($111 value exclusive to QC)

  • $10,020/year
    $555/year Pay-in-Full
  • $333 Two monthly payments

*two series each year
**Annual Membership must be Paid-In-Full before activating credit. Credit expires 1yr after purchase date

***if subscription canceled, will be subject to latest price